૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა welcome to my web site ! _ O X


The “graphics” page has links to all things graphics! I rarely make graphics, but anything of my own creation will be featured here (credit not necessary)! Links to sites that host things like dividers, teeny pixels, pagedolls, and other images can be found here! The graphics websites linked are ideal for web design or other types of profile building. This section is definitely the largest of all of the links sections, so take note of that while browsing!

All of these graphics resources are free for anyone to access for personal use. I want to keep all of the resources I post here completely (or mostly) free and accessible to everyone.


Screenshots or GIFs of either old nostalgic internet ads for various services.

Animated Glitter Graphics n More (Tumblr) - a wall of Tumblr posts tagged with “banners”; there are both banners and old web ads!


Primarily tile backgrounds, but occasionally some wallpapers.

Hekate2 (Github) - a gallery of various tiled backgrounds separated into colors, themes, and other categories - all sorts of tiled backgrounds sorted by color, most of which being glittery and giving off the oldwebcore vibe

Seamless Pattern Generator - a tiled background generator where an image is uploaded and then it’s converted into a tile to be used for a background


Traditionally small rectangular sorts of badges (150*20px) that often flash or blink, hence the name.

Geoblinkies - a search tool where you can type in a keyword and receive a bunch of old blinkies and graphics from Geocities - a sizeable wall of unique blinkies

Blinkie Makers

Blinkies Cafe - a massive wall of all sorts of different blinkies that is still being updated! my fav <3

MyBlinkie - a simpler blinkie maker


Usually 88*31px badges usually used to link back to sites, but can also be used decoratively. Some sites include buttons that are much smaller than the typical 88*31px size.

88*31 Button Maker - a custom button maker engine, courtesy of

Tiny Identity Buttons Database - a massive repository of tiny identity buttons for pronouns, gender, orientation, and many other things! It is MOGAI friendly, of course~☆

Tiny Identity Button Maker - a website engine that allows users to create their own custom tiny identity buttons!


Graphics that can be used to divide up paragraphs, headers, sections of code, or just about anything really!

Animated Glitter Graphics n More (Tumblr) - LGBTQ pride banners of all kinds!

Tenshiikisu (Tumblr) - kawaii pixel dividers


Very small pixelated icons that I strongly suggest are used for favicons/website icons! Most of these are 20*20px.

Academy of Tumblr - insanely huge wall of miscellaneous pixels (beware lag)

Mazeguy Smiles - a very large collection of primarily pixel smilies, but there are others too!

Oh Pixels! (Tumblr) - all sorts of pixels separated by theme/category of varying sizes

Sugaa (Tumblr) - another huge wall of pixels, primarily being cutesy ones (beware lag)


Oftentimes decorative small graphics that are usually about 99*56px. - a massive wall of stamps; probably beware lag! - lots of oldwebcore stamps

Stock Image Websites

Various websites housing free to use and unwatermarked high-quality stock images for personal use. Most of them do offer premium subscription programs for addional stock images!

Pixabay - expansive repository of high-quality unwatermarked royalty-free photographs

Pexels - another sizeable gallery of free-to-use unwatermarked high-quality photographs

Smithsonian Open Access - loads of free unwatermarked high-quality images


Mostly generators for animated text or a GIF of text with an animated font/style.

Bloggif - another glittery animated text GIF maker

Flamingtext - various dramatic animated and static text makers

Photomosh - image and video glitch effect maker/editor glitter maker - animated glittery GIF text maker

Text Deco

Various decorative strings of text or symbols that can be copied and pasted physically, rather than downloaded and embedded as images. All of these are actual text characters.

Deco - Kaomoji Sparkles - a bunch of adorable sparkles of varying length


Coolsymbol - a sizeable wall of various UTF-8 symbols sorted by category

Box Borders, Dividers, etc.

ARMY’s Amino - a long list of dividers, boxes, and borders of varying styles and sizes - Text Dividers - text dividers used to separate paragraphs, code sections, and other things


Smallish graphics that are typically more descriptive than blinkies or buttons. They’re particularly popular on Tumblr.

Disability Userboxes (Tumblr) - a page housing userboxes of many different types of disabilities

Other Graphics Galleries

Other websites or subsections of websites that contain lots of other resources for graphics among other things! Some of these are links to websites that are a graphics repository as a whole.

Allyratworld - cutesy kawaii stamps, blinkies, and pixels

Autism (Crd) - mostly cutesy and pink pixels, pagedolls, dividers, stamps, resources, and tips

Bonnibel’s Graphic Collection - blinkies, containers, cursors, emojis, stamps, and many other categories of graphics - oldwebcore pagedolls, ASCII art, blinkies, stamps, (tile) backgrounds, and wallpapers

Cute Kawaii Resources - icons, banners, lots of properly sorted pixels, wallpapers, dividers, stamps, and blinkies

Cybersparkle (Neocities) - old web graphics, primarily ads/banners and pagedolls

Faering (Carrd) - an albeit somewhat disorganized stickerbook of pagedolls, blinkies, dividers, and other mostly oldwebcore graphics sorted by theme

Fairtytrash (Neocities) - oldwebcore/early 2000s buttons, blinkies, banners/“bumper stickers” (cute!), stamps, and userboxes

Gaysweaters (Tumblr) - cutesy and pixelated dividers, pixels, pagedolls, and HD wallpapers

Gifcity (Carrd) - (tile) backgrounds, blinkies, buttons, dividers, pixels, pagedolls/graphics, and stamps - glittery oldwebcore and y2k style pagedolls, backgrounds, blinkies, dividers, banners, glitter text graphics, and even a glitter text generator engine

Jasminnie (Weebly) - (from the “Materials” dropdown menu) pixels, chibi pagedolls, ADORABLE tile backgrounds, wallpapers, clocks (HTML embeds), cursors, dividers, fonts, and icons

Newlambda (Neocities) - oldwebcore blinkies, buttons/banners, stamps, pagedolls, and virtual pets

Pix (Crd) - codes, fonts, pixels, dividers, pagedolls, backgrounds, blinkies, stamps, and buttons

Pixel Diary (Tumblr) - pixels, pagedolls, and other graphics primarily of super cute emoticons

Raining-starss (Neocities) - funny and cute stamps, blinkies, and buttons (lots of different styles!)

Shishka (Neocities) - pagedolls, banners/ads, blinkies, buttons, icons, and stamps - pixels, blinkies, stamps, and buttons

The Rainbow Locker - (from the “graphics” dropdown on the left) blinkies, stamps, pagedolls, buttons, icons, dividers, pixels, and pixel scenes

Transbro (Neocities) - blinkies, buttons, icons, pixel jars, and dividers